88-year-old Shreds in Banff

88-year-old Shreds in Banff

October 26, 2014

Hey everybody! Hope you are all having a mellow weekend and enjoying the weather, and of course anticipating the ski and snowboard season.

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Here at Evolve we see all sorts of skiers and snowboarders but mostly we are used to riding with young people. It is not uncommon for us to have a ski or snowboard session with a 4 year old, a 6 year old, 12 year old, but it is not very often that we have gone skiing or snowboarding with a ‘mature’ crowd, which is why we love today’s clip so much. Entitled The Wise Man this clip features an 88-year-old local named Eddie Hunter and his deep rooted connection with the Mt. Norquay in Banff National Park. In it we get to see Eddie ripping through the mountain that he has spent 80 years skiing, and was at when the resort first open. Check out the clip below to explore Norquay through past and present, and better yet, check out Evolve Snow Camps to begin your own 80 year love affair with skiing, snowboarding and mountains.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lpJSB9pd-s]

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