Collingwood Retail Shop Review: Skis and Bikes

Collingwood Retail Shop Review: Skis and Bikes

October 29, 2013

Skis and Bikes

Address: 445 First Street, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 1B9

Phone: 705-445-9777


Description: When youve been around for as long as Skis and Bikes, you’re bound to be a good ski shop. Skis and Bikes also has a few other shops located throughout the GTA including in Toronto and Mississauga and they even have a location in Vancouver and Whistler if you’re reading this blog post from the west coast of Canada. Skis and Bikes is a family owned shop that was established in 1978. Their original location was in Caledon Ontario.  Most people in Ontario are familiar with their Collingwood ( the busiest ski town in the province) location as they pass through the town on their way to the ski hill. From the Skis and Bikes website “Skiing is a life sport and the only family sport on earth so we see people from crib to grave and we feel privileged to be a part of that cycle.  Seeing three and four generations in the store getting outfitted year after year is the true measure of our successs.”

The shops sells, skis, snowboards, bikes, footwear and outerwear. The shop also has its own magazine and you can also shop online on their website.

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