Things You’ll Learn At Evolve Surf Camp
Although winter is approaching and we’re stoked for Evolve Snow Camps, we’ve always got Evolve Surf Camp on our mind. How can’t we? Beautiful weather and surroundings, surfing and of course being in one of the best places in the world, Costa Rica! We live for that pura vida lifestyle.
Info on Evolve Surf Camp for 2017 has been posted to our site with everything you need to know about our program including cost and dates.
Our surf camp offers lessons for all levels. Here are few things you’ll learn our beginner and intermediate surf lessons.
Beginner Surf Lessons:
- Intro to surf equipment
- How to Choose Best Surfboard for a Beginner
- How to position yourself on the board, how to paddle, sit and turn
- Introduction to ocean tides, currents and waves
- How to Choose and Catch the Best Waves to Surf
- How to Recognize and Avoid Dangers in the Surf
- How to Enter and Exit the Surf Zone
- How to Stand-Up on a Surfboard (on sand then in water)
- How to Drop-In and Ride a Wave
- Proper Surfing Etiquette and Safety Rules
- Surfboard Design and Functions
- How Waves Form and Break
Intermediate Surf Lessons:
- How to adapt your bottom turn to the more varying waves and conditions encountered at the faster breaking wave surf spots.
- How to select surf gear that is adequate for your level;
- Improving your paddling, sitting, and wave-catching techniques
- Understanding how to improve your positioning on line-up
- Take-off on unbroken waves and turning
- Timing, reading the waves, and priority rules
- The hydrodynamics of a surf board design
- Priority rules
- Positioning your body for a bottom turn
- How to surf various types of waves (shape, size and direction of the wave)
- How to gain speed and trimming
- Manoeuvrings: Off-the-lip, cutback, and floater
- Approach to advanced surfing techniques
Advanced Surf Lessons:
- Ocean knowledge
- Surf equipment knowledge
- Choose the best schedules and surf spots in order to practice advanced techniques with less crowd on the water
- Ability to catch and ride unbroken waves
- Practice the classic surfing line: trimming, bottom turn, top turn
- Advanced manoeuvres: tube ridding, cut back, off the lip and floater.
Give us a call at 416.619.4521 if you’d like to speak with one of our staff about the program!