Some Canadian Ski Resorts are taking the leap in making helmets a mandatory requirement for any skiers and riders who want to cruise the slopes.
We like the sounds of it!

Approximately 80% of Canadian skiers and snowboarders already include a helmet in their winter get up, but concerns are rising as to why such precautionary gear is not yet compulsory across the country.
Helmets can absorb a fair amount of the blow taken from nasty falls on the slopes. They save hundreds of lives every year, and we want them saving even more.
In 2013, Nova Scotia was the first Canadian province to enforce such a rule. The province deemed helmets a requirement of cyclers, skateboarders and in-line skaters even before 2007. In 2013, that law was revamped to include skiier and snowboarders alike.

Finally, this safety precaution is starting to gain traction across the country. Brookvale Provincial Ski Park, in PEI is following closely behind Nova Scotia’s footprints. Starting this upcoming 2015/2016 Winter Season, all ticket buyers at Brookvale will need to abide by this new rule, or risk getting kicked off the hill.

The idea of compulsory helmets has successfully caught on in the East, and it is only a number of years before it comes west.
At many resorts, helmets are currently required only in terrain parks. Given recent research, it has become evident that such a precaution should be enforced on all routes of the skiable terrain across the country.

What’s your opinion? Should helmets be compulsory on the slopes just as seatbelts are in cars?
Read more at the CBC page here.