Camp is not just a fun experience for the camper, but it is also rewarding experience for the parent as well.
Attending a camp can help a child develop desirable skills and attitudes. It is a place of growth and discovery.
Personalities are formed based on influences and experiences. Camp is one way of ensuring a child is exposed to positive influences while they develop memories to last a lifetime.

So how exactly can attending a ski and snowboard camp be beneficial to your child?
1. It teaches them how to behave as part of a community
As we grow up, we learn how to act as a member of society.
A Ski and Snowboard camp can help develop those social skills by introducing your children to a niche community. Children learn to interact with other members of the same community who may have similar interests, or similar lifestyles to themselves. They will feel a strong connection to others in the ski and snowboard camp, as they learn about the strong bonds that can be formed between social circles.
As part of a niche ski-school community, your child will also learn how to interact with members outside of that particular community. They will learn how to approach the Ski Hill staff with any questions, how to share a chair lift ride with local community members, and how to communicate with skiiers and snowboarders that may be passing them on the hill.

Your children will learn about key social interactions that occur in society, while being under supervision in a safe environment. They will learn where they fit into the society of the Ski Hill, as a member of the camp which they are attending
2. It Introduces them to diversity
A Ski and Snowboard camp offers a way to meet others of similar likes and interests. Not everything about each camp participant is the same though.
Often times, the range of campers is extremely diverse in race, culture, and general background. This diversity can open your child’s eyes to world outside of their 4 block radius between home and school. It shows them about the different types of people that make up their community, and can feed their curiosity to learn more.
3. It offers a feeling of independence
Ski and Snowboard camps can offer independence to a camper.
When at camp, children are no longer by the comforting sides of their parents. This newfound independence teaches children that they have to make decisions for themselves, and that to succeed they must push themselves up to new challenges – instead of relying on their parents to urge them into the challenge.
Due to this experience, children will gain confidence in taking on new situations alone.
And hey, this added confidence can translate to their willingness to try new tricks in the park – which comes around full circle to boosting their confidence even higher.
4. It promotes a respect for nature and outdoor sports
Skiing and Snowboarding are both great sports for your child to learn.These sports not only promote active living, but it also gets your children enjoying the great outdoors.
Getting your kid active and outdoors is a task in itself for the summer months. In winter, it is a near impossible mission to accomplish.
Enrolling your child in a ski and snowboard school promotes active living and a respect for nature. Kids learn that life beyond their iPad screen can be far more engaging than they otherwise thought. They learn that being outside in the cold is something to embrace, and not something to fight against. They learn that regardless of the weather, you can still have fun.

5. It provides positive role models and influences
Camp Instructors are great role models. These skilled coaches are not only extremely talented at the sports which they teach, but they also work well with parents and children. Ski and Snowboard camps employ instructors that are responsible and hardworking, but also fun and inspiring. They are active individuals with desirable skills and interests worth pursuing.

At Evolve Snow Camp, coaches represent Ontario’s best ski and snowboard instructors. Each coach is extensively trained and tested on his or her ability to teach and supervise. Our coaches are professional, friendly and laid-back people who want to help each of their riders achieve their individual goals.