Day one of Evolve Skate Camp was a blast. Campers met their instructors and shredded Ashbridges Bay on a beautiful day. Here are some highlights from the day.

Josh saying a few words before camp starts.

Solid sticker design by one of our campers

Coach Christian and his crew

Blair showing his campers how to lay down a board before you get going.

Some really talented campers!

This camper will soon be on the Evolve Skate Team!

Balance is key.

Liam keeping the campers cool on HOT day.

Hawaii Day winner! Fresh new Evolve tank top

Cruising through!

Trying his new tricks…ollies on day one!

Coach Blaise, relaxing at the bottom of the pool

Our scooter crew is solid! t

Scouting the pool…pretty deep pool at 11 and 7 feet.

One Love!

Scooter love.

Peace to all of you!

Repair time.

How to fall workshop.

You know it!

Coach Vilu and his crew. You might know Vilu from Sanction Skate Shop

Morgan teaching the little ones how its done.

Grinding is my middle name

Ferrazo Power!